
Quick Reference

Harvest Type: Continuous

Transplant/Direct Sow: Direct sow on top of the soil.

When to Plant: Indoors in late winter. Place them in a sunny window.

Direct sow seeds when the soil is frost-free.

Days to Germinate: 10-16 days

Days to Maturity: 80-90 days

Planting Depth:  On top of the soil with a light dusting of fine soil. Mint seeds need sunlight to germinate.

Germination Temp: 68-75°F

Seed Spacing:  ¼” apart in rows 1-2' wide

Light: Full sun to light shade.

Soil pH: 6.0 - 7.0 pH

Water: Keep mint plants moist and water often.

Soil Temperature: 55-75°F

Fertilizer:  10-10-10 N-P-K ratio. Fertilize in the spring and again every 4 to 6 weeks while active.

Rotation: Mint should be grown in a container.  It will take over!!!


Harvest Type

Most people snip mint leaves as they need them.  You can cut up to 2/3 of the plant during spring and early summer for drying. The plant will regenerate for a fall harvest.

Transplant / Direct Sow

Direct Sow or Transplant. Mint is a container herb that you can start indoors with direct sow seeding and then transplant the seedlings to a pot when they have two true leaves. If you direct sow seeds outdoors, do not cover the seeds. Instead, dust lightly with fine soil as mint seeds need sunlight to germinate.

When to Plant:

For indoor planting, start seeds in a tray in late winter and put the tray in a sunny window. For outdoor planting, sow seeds when the ambient temperature is around 70 degrees and the soil temperature is above 55°F.

Days to germinate

10-14 days

Days to maturity

It takes about 90 days for mint plants to mature. You can start to snip the tops of leaves when the plants are 8-12 inches tall.

Planting Depth

On the surface.  Mint seeds need sunlight to germinate. Cover seeds with a fine soil layer to help keep them moist—plant in a spot that gets some sun and some shade.

Germination Temperature Range

Soil temperature for good germination for mint occurs at 55-75°F

Spacing Between Plants

Mint spreads, so maturing plants need plenty of room. Plant seedlings 12-18" apart.

Growing conditions

Mint likes warm weather and grows best in partial shade. The soil should be slightly acidic with (6.0-7.0 pH) that holds moisture but is well-drained.

Companion Plants

Oregano is an excellent plant to grow with mint as both belong in a container. You can dress the container with marigolds or add vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, and even eggplants.


Rotating is not necessary if grown in containers. Re-pot and amend the soil each spring.

Anticipated yields

Plan your garden yield at 1-2 mint plants per person.

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Herb Garden 5; Culinary Herb Seeds
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