Beefsteak Tomato

Quick Reference

Harvest Type:  Varies by variety (indeterminate / determinate )

Transplant/Direct Sow:  Direct sow or transplant. 

Many growers prefer to start plants indoors due to the long day-to-harvest time.

When to Plant:  Indoors 8-10 weeks before your average last frost date. Sow seeds directly when the soil is 70-90°F and after all danger of frost has passed.

Days to Germinate:  6-10 days

Days to Maturity:  70-80 days

Planting Depth:  ¼” deep.

Germination Temp:  65-90°F

Seed Spacing:  2 seeds per inch. Thin to 2-3’ apart

Row Spacing:  3-4' apart

Light:  Full sun

Soil pH:  6.2-6.8 pH

Water:  1- 1 ½” of water per week

Soil Temperature:  65-90°F

Fertilizer:  5-10-10 N-P-K ratio

Rotation:  Heavy feeder.  Rotate annually with root vegetables.


Beefsteak Tomatoes are large, thick-walled tomatoes that are perfect for slicing. These are indeterminate and make excellent tomatoes for sandwiches and salads.

Harvest Type

Beefsteak Tomato is an indeterminate tomato meaning its crop matures around 85 days and continues throughout the growing season.

Transplant / Direct Sow

You can direct sow or transplant Beefsteak Tomato. Their day-to-harvest is 85 days.

TIP: When planning your garden, it is better to know how many seedlings you will have to transplant than to hope for good seed germination.

When to Plant:

Transplant or direct sow seeds when the soil temperature is 65-90°F, and the nighttime temperature is above 55°F

Days to germinate

Beefsteak tomato seeds germinate in 6-14 days

Days to maturity

It takes about 85 days for Ace 55 tomatoes to produce tomatoes.

Planting Depth

Plant seeds at 1/2 of an inch deep.

Germination Temperature Range

Germination is best when the soil is between 65-90°F in the daytime and above 55°F at night.

Spacing Between Plants

If starting indoors, plant one seed every one inch in a flat. If planting seedlings, space them three feet apart. These are indeterminate tomatoes that can grow ten feet tall. They will require staking.

TIP: Beefsteak tomato plants produce large, one-plus pound tomatoes. They will need more than a tomato cage to contain them.

Companion Plants

Basil, oregano, marjoram, carrots, cucumber, peas, pole beans, and annual flowers all make excellent companions for beefsteak tomatoes.

Growing conditions

Beefsteak tomatoes grow best when the soil is warm -65-90°F. All tomatoes appreciate nutrient-rich soil, so plan to amend the soil with aged compost or manure before planting seeds or transplant seedlings. Soil should be well-drained but still hold some moisture. A layer of mulch helps prevent the roots from drying out from evaporation. The soil must be consistently moist, or the fruit will split. Compost tea that is high in phosphorus is an excellent way to fertilize once fruit begins to set.

TIP: Mulch is an excellent tool to help prevent water evaporation and to fight weeds.


Beefsteak tomatoes are heavy feeders and will deplete the soil, as do most varieties of tomatoes. Rotate them each year or amend the ground where you grow them. Doing so will help to curb blossom end rot and avoid pest issues.

Anticipated yields

Plan your garden yield at 3-4 plants per person. Expect tomatoes in the 1-2 pound range, and each plant should yield 10-80 pounds of tomatoes per plant.


Beefsteak tomatoes are an award-winning slicing tomato. They are excellent for fresh consumption and are lovely eaten fresh off the vine or in sandwiches, salsa, salads, and just plain with salt. Their acidic flavor and their large size are ideal for sauces and salsas.

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