Onion - Bunching
Quick Reference:
Harvest Type: Continuous or single
Transplant/Direct Sow: Direct sow
When to Plant: After the last frost or in the fall in warmer areas
Days to Germinate: 7-10 days
Days to Maturity: 65-120 days
Planting Depth: ¼ - ¾” deep
Germination Temp: 40°F
Seed Spacing: 1-2” apart or 8-12 per row foot
Rows: 1’ apart
Light: Full sun
Soil pH: 6.2 - 6.8 pH
Water: Keep soil moist but not wet.
Soil Temperature: 46-86°F
Fertilizer: 10-20-10 N-P-K ratio at 3” below the soil before planting.
Rotation: Annually to locations where other members of the allium family have not grown.
Planting and Care:
Harvest Type
Snip the tops for a continuous harvest or pull the whole plant for a single harvest.
Transplant / Direct Sow
Transplant or direct sow. In cooler climates, you can start bunching onion seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. In warmer climates, direct so the seeds in the fall. For spring planting, direct sow seeds when the ambient temperature is around 60°F.
Days to germinate
10-14 days
Days to maturity
It takes 60-120 days for bunching onions plants to mature. You can start to snip the tops of leaves when the plants are 8-12" tall.
Planting Depth
Plant bunching onion seeds at 1/4" deep.
Germination Temperature Range
Soil temperature for good germination for bunching onions occurs above 46°F and optimally at 55-75°F.
Spacing Between Plants
Bunching onions are slender plants, so plan for about two inches between plants.
Growing conditions
Most varieties of bunching onions are hardy. They like the warmth and will stand some frost and cold. They also like soil to be a little acidic (6.2-6,8 pH). Plant in well-drained soil that holds moisture but does not become soggy.
Companion Plants
Other root crops such as beets, onions, and leeks do well with bunching onions. Carrots are another companion plant as the bunching onions add some protection to carrots against the carrot fly.
Rotate each year to a place where other allium plants have not grown.
Anticipated yields
Plan your garden yield at six bunching onion plants per person. For drying, a 10-foot row will yield 5-10 pounds of onions.
TIP: Best grown in a raised bed. These plants have around a 4-inch root space.